Lumia 950 lags behind iPhone 6S & Android Flagships in Boot-up & App handling times

In a video posted by TechRadar, Lumia 950
is one of the flagship devices compared to other flagship devices
including iPhone 6S and Android Flagships like Galaxy S6, LG G4 and Sony
Xperia Z5 in terms of Boot-up times and handling of certain apps. While
such kind of tests are wrongly termed as speed tests, the video however
highlights two exiting drawbacks of Windows 10 Mobile.
- Long Boot-up time
- Lack of OS and Third party app’s optimizations
While we can understand that Windows 10
Mobile has hardly finished development and should get better with
upcoming builds, Microsoft may need to do something to cut on that long
boot-up time and also push 3rd party app developers to optimize their
apps for Windows 10 Mobile.