Modi discussed drug abuse, and appealed the youth to say no to drugs. He also said that the money spent on drugs might be used for funding terrorism. He stated that a toll-free helpline would be set up to help drug addicts and their families
Note: Original Text is in Hindi. English transcript has been done using Google's Translate. Hence we can not assure of 100% grammatical free text.
My dear countrymen,Today again I have had the privilege to meet you. You'd think that the Prime Minister does such things. So I'll do that at the Prime Minister, I am much henchman. Since childhood I've come to hear one thing and maybe the 'mind' is the desired impetus. We have been hearing from childhood at sharing the sorrow and happiness by sharing grows. 'Mind', I share the sorrow will ever, ever want happiness divides.As I said last time that long-I am worried about our younger generation. Not having to worry that you've made me the prime concern is the mother of a red, a family's son, or daughter of that person does not fall into such a quagmire, that the whole family can be devastated . Society, country, everything gets cluttered. Drugs, addiction is such a dreadful disease, which is a dreadful evil is Achcon Achcon shake.I used to work as the chief minister of Gujarat, so many times I had come to meet us in good officer, were seeking vacation. So I would ask why? Did not speak at first, but it was just a matter of love were then explains that the son is implicated in bad thing. He was and leave all this to figure out, I will have to live with that. And whom I had seen that I was brave enough to admit the good officer, he was just there remain only cry. I have seen many mothers. I once was in Punjab mothers I was there. Was very angry, very hurt had been expressed.We as a society have to worry about it. And I know this lad who falls into trouble, so sometimes we believe the child Doshi. Bad boy admits. The fact that the drug is bad. Boy is not bad, addiction is bad. Not bad, we do not mind the boy child. According bad habit, a bad drunk treat and find a way to keep away from him. Would the child Dutkar will take him and the drug. This in itself is a Psycho-Socio-Medical problem. And her Psycho-Socio-Medical problem as we have to treat. As the same have to handle and I agree that something is beyond medical issues. Individual self, family, friends, man, society, government, law, everyone has to work together in one direction. These pieces do not solve the problem.I just laid in Assam D 0 g 0 p 0 of the Conference said. I expressed to him my pain was with indignation. I have to make a serious discussion in the police department, the measure is said to find. I also asked the department why do not we start a toll-free Helpline. In any corner of the country, the parents feel that they are in the trouble that his son is implicated in the drug world, then he is also ashamed to say to the world, is also hesitant, Ask Where? I have asked the government to create a Helpline. He must think in that direction and will very soon.Similarly, I know drug brings three things I would say to him, these evils is the Three D - I'm not speaking of Three D entertainment.Is a D Darkness, Destruction, and the third is the second D is D Devastation.Dark alley that leads to intoxication. At the turn of destruction stood in turns and drunk nothing, except it is the scene of destruction. So I discussed this very topic of concern.When I last 'mind' program did not touch this thing, about seven thousand letters from around the country came to me at the address of AIR. Those letters were different in the government. Online, the official portal, portal, thousands of e-mails. Twitter, Facebook, perhaps millions have been Kments. In a way it is seen in the mind of society, began to come out together.I particularly am also thankful to the media that he carried this thing. Many t. V. The special one-hour program and I have, it just was not the same program of the evils of government, there was a concern, and I believe, a way out of the problem was Jddo-Jhd And just because the atmosphere of a good discussion began. The government, which is in charge of things, they are also Sensitised. Now they can not find them nostalgic.I sometimes submerged drunk youths want to ask them what ever you thought you two hours, four hours of addictive feeling of living would probably have a different life. Freedom from discomfort feel, but have you ever thought that you have the money to buy drugs to where that money go? Have you ever wondered? Imagine! Drugs That money will go to the terrorists! If these terrorists armed with money will buy! None of those weapons and terrorists in my country will give young bullets in the chest! My country would young martyr! If you have ever thought? A mother's gonna kill red, dear soul of Mother India, the country with the life and death, soldier has been shot in the chest, Is it right? Somewhere in that shot of you addicted to money, think of a time when you will think this thing, I say with confidence, even if you love Mother India, you also honor the troops If terrorists to help you, to help drug-mafia, how you can help the business.Some people feel that there is despair in life, there is a failure in life when you can not see any way, then he turns into addiction. So it seems to me that in life, which is not the goal, the goal is not high intentions are not a vacuum, there is easier to enter the drug. If the drug is to avoid, if your child is to be protected Dhyeywadi them make it, some of the intent to make it, Make dreamer. You see, the other side of things, then they will not mind. Do not take him, I have to.You might have seen the player who would ... like to sleep in the cold with all the quilts, but she sleeps. He goes in the open field, at four in the morning, goes to five o'clock. Why? The goal is settled. Like your child, would not Dhyeywadita then becomes the entry of such evils.I come today to remember the words of Swami Vivekananda that. They are very accurate in their sentence for every young and I believe that the sentence, repeated Gungunaien Ji Swami Vivekananda has said - "Take a thought, an idea Make your life. Think of him, his dreams. Take that idea ups. Your brain, muscles, nerves, every part of the body, filled with the idea two and leave all other considerations.G Vivekananda's sentence is for every young mind, can come very handy and therefore, I would say to young people from becoming Dhyeywadi lot of things can be avoided.Sometimes a man live so among friends think it's great Cool. Some people think this is the Style statement and in the same state of mind, sometimes you are not aware, it can get caught in such a serious illness. Style statement it is not, nor is it Cool. In reality, they are the scene of destruction and therefore we all are singing from the heart to be the pride of their peers when drunk, to tell his own interesting things, applause, then 'No', do you dare say, reject making Dare to me, not only that, they too are wrong, are inappropriate to say you Jtaia courage.I also want to say to parents. We do not have time nowadays are Duhd. Life has to run to survive. To improve your life and have to run. But in the middle of the race, do we have time for our children? What ever we saw with our children that we mostly speak of their temporal progress? Brought many marks, exam how, the most what to eat? What not to eat? Or ever have to go? No where to go, so we have limited the scope of things. Or ever went into his heart to his children we have the opportunity to open? You must book these. If the child will know what's going on with you there will open. The child does not suddenly bad habit, begins slowly and as evil begins his shift begins at home. The change should look closely. If you look closely at the changes that I believe absolutely in the beginning will save your children. Keep friends informed about her man and keep only limited progress around things. The depth of his life, his thinking, his logic, his views, his book, his friend, his mobile phone ... What's going on? Where the time is passing, will save your children. I think parents can do the job that no one else could. We have a few things over the centuries our ancestors have told major scholarly. And only if they are told the Statesman. We are called -Flame take 5 yearsTen Lun fillip DeiFlame take 5 yearsTen Lun fillip DeiIn the sixteen years SutFriends dei Srij GniIn the sixteen years SutFriends dei Srij GniMean to say that the child is 5 years old love and affection of parents to keep behavior, then at 10, have a son for him should be discipline, discipline must be requested and sometimes we saw Wise mother is angry, a day does not talk to the child. The child is too great a penalty. But then your mother to punish her child is sentenced. The mother says that I will speak today not just. You see a 10 year old child gets upset all day. He replaces your habit and 16. When done with her friend should be treated equally. The matter must be frank. These are our ancestors is told very well. I want it to be in our family life, how to use it.One thing I see vendors medicine. Sometimes with medication, as well as such things are often given until the doctor's Prescription go without such medicines. Cough syrup often becomes the beginning of the drugs used. Becomes addicted launched. There are many things I do not want to discuss it. But we also have to accept the discipline.These days a good education for the children of the village, leaving their state boarding Life for admission in a better place to live, Hostel live in. I have heard that he sometimes becomes the gateway of the evils. The theme of the educational institutions, society, security forces will have to keep all the great awareness. Whose responsibility will strive to fulfill his responsibility. He is in charge of the government, which will have to be government. And for this should be our endeavor.I also like to come to these letters are interesting, very painful and very inspiring letters are also letters. I do not mention all today, but by a Mr. Dutt, who were totally drunk. Went to jail, in prison were also binding on them. Then later in life has changed. Educated in jail and gradually changed his life. This is their story is very prevalent. Yervdha was in prison, so many stories that will be. Many people who have come out of it. We can come out and must come. Our efforts must be for him, in the same way. In the coming days I also urge Celebrities. Whether cine artists are joined by sports people, public life, people are connected. Cultural saint world, every place where people repeatedly on this subject also had opportunities, we must be aware. We should continue to offer the message. Of course it will benefit. I urge those who are active in social media that we together with the Drugs Free India hash-tag can run continuously Movement. Most children belong to this world of social media are involved. If we Drugs Free India hash-tag, it's a good atmosphere bypass a Lokshicsha we can stand.I want this thing Increase further. We all try to do something, who succeeded him, he may continue to Share. But I have to touch this topic so I said sadly suffering from distributing low. The country is suffering, that I am not preaching nor do I have the right to teach. I am just sharing my grief, the grief of the families who have either attended the hurt I want to be. Create an atmosphere of responsibility and I want to do. May be the subject may not-heresy. But will have to start from somewhere.I said that I want to share the happiness, too. Blind cricket team last week I got a chance to meet. World Cup win had come. But I saw their enthusiasm, their heyday saw looked confident, God has given the eyes, hands and feet have given everything but we do not have such passion, which I saw in those Blanid players. What was the heyday, it was the enthusiasm. That gave me the energy to meet him. Really enjoyed great things life offers.Last week, the news in the discussions.
Note: Original Text is in Hindi. English transcript has been done using Google's Translate. Hence we can not assure of 100% grammatical free text.
My dear countrymen,Today again I have had the privilege to meet you. You'd think that the Prime Minister does such things. So I'll do that at the Prime Minister, I am much henchman. Since childhood I've come to hear one thing and maybe the 'mind' is the desired impetus. We have been hearing from childhood at sharing the sorrow and happiness by sharing grows. 'Mind', I share the sorrow will ever, ever want happiness divides.As I said last time that long-I am worried about our younger generation. Not having to worry that you've made me the prime concern is the mother of a red, a family's son, or daughter of that person does not fall into such a quagmire, that the whole family can be devastated . Society, country, everything gets cluttered. Drugs, addiction is such a dreadful disease, which is a dreadful evil is Achcon Achcon shake.I used to work as the chief minister of Gujarat, so many times I had come to meet us in good officer, were seeking vacation. So I would ask why? Did not speak at first, but it was just a matter of love were then explains that the son is implicated in bad thing. He was and leave all this to figure out, I will have to live with that. And whom I had seen that I was brave enough to admit the good officer, he was just there remain only cry. I have seen many mothers. I once was in Punjab mothers I was there. Was very angry, very hurt had been expressed.We as a society have to worry about it. And I know this lad who falls into trouble, so sometimes we believe the child Doshi. Bad boy admits. The fact that the drug is bad. Boy is not bad, addiction is bad. Not bad, we do not mind the boy child. According bad habit, a bad drunk treat and find a way to keep away from him. Would the child Dutkar will take him and the drug. This in itself is a Psycho-Socio-Medical problem. And her Psycho-Socio-Medical problem as we have to treat. As the same have to handle and I agree that something is beyond medical issues. Individual self, family, friends, man, society, government, law, everyone has to work together in one direction. These pieces do not solve the problem.I just laid in Assam D 0 g 0 p 0 of the Conference said. I expressed to him my pain was with indignation. I have to make a serious discussion in the police department, the measure is said to find. I also asked the department why do not we start a toll-free Helpline. In any corner of the country, the parents feel that they are in the trouble that his son is implicated in the drug world, then he is also ashamed to say to the world, is also hesitant, Ask Where? I have asked the government to create a Helpline. He must think in that direction and will very soon.Similarly, I know drug brings three things I would say to him, these evils is the Three D - I'm not speaking of Three D entertainment.Is a D Darkness, Destruction, and the third is the second D is D Devastation.Dark alley that leads to intoxication. At the turn of destruction stood in turns and drunk nothing, except it is the scene of destruction. So I discussed this very topic of concern.When I last 'mind' program did not touch this thing, about seven thousand letters from around the country came to me at the address of AIR. Those letters were different in the government. Online, the official portal, portal, thousands of e-mails. Twitter, Facebook, perhaps millions have been Kments. In a way it is seen in the mind of society, began to come out together.I particularly am also thankful to the media that he carried this thing. Many t. V. The special one-hour program and I have, it just was not the same program of the evils of government, there was a concern, and I believe, a way out of the problem was Jddo-Jhd And just because the atmosphere of a good discussion began. The government, which is in charge of things, they are also Sensitised. Now they can not find them nostalgic.I sometimes submerged drunk youths want to ask them what ever you thought you two hours, four hours of addictive feeling of living would probably have a different life. Freedom from discomfort feel, but have you ever thought that you have the money to buy drugs to where that money go? Have you ever wondered? Imagine! Drugs That money will go to the terrorists! If these terrorists armed with money will buy! None of those weapons and terrorists in my country will give young bullets in the chest! My country would young martyr! If you have ever thought? A mother's gonna kill red, dear soul of Mother India, the country with the life and death, soldier has been shot in the chest, Is it right? Somewhere in that shot of you addicted to money, think of a time when you will think this thing, I say with confidence, even if you love Mother India, you also honor the troops If terrorists to help you, to help drug-mafia, how you can help the business.Some people feel that there is despair in life, there is a failure in life when you can not see any way, then he turns into addiction. So it seems to me that in life, which is not the goal, the goal is not high intentions are not a vacuum, there is easier to enter the drug. If the drug is to avoid, if your child is to be protected Dhyeywadi them make it, some of the intent to make it, Make dreamer. You see, the other side of things, then they will not mind. Do not take him, I have to.You might have seen the player who would ... like to sleep in the cold with all the quilts, but she sleeps. He goes in the open field, at four in the morning, goes to five o'clock. Why? The goal is settled. Like your child, would not Dhyeywadita then becomes the entry of such evils.I come today to remember the words of Swami Vivekananda that. They are very accurate in their sentence for every young and I believe that the sentence, repeated Gungunaien Ji Swami Vivekananda has said - "Take a thought, an idea Make your life. Think of him, his dreams. Take that idea ups. Your brain, muscles, nerves, every part of the body, filled with the idea two and leave all other considerations.G Vivekananda's sentence is for every young mind, can come very handy and therefore, I would say to young people from becoming Dhyeywadi lot of things can be avoided.Sometimes a man live so among friends think it's great Cool. Some people think this is the Style statement and in the same state of mind, sometimes you are not aware, it can get caught in such a serious illness. Style statement it is not, nor is it Cool. In reality, they are the scene of destruction and therefore we all are singing from the heart to be the pride of their peers when drunk, to tell his own interesting things, applause, then 'No', do you dare say, reject making Dare to me, not only that, they too are wrong, are inappropriate to say you Jtaia courage.I also want to say to parents. We do not have time nowadays are Duhd. Life has to run to survive. To improve your life and have to run. But in the middle of the race, do we have time for our children? What ever we saw with our children that we mostly speak of their temporal progress? Brought many marks, exam how, the most what to eat? What not to eat? Or ever have to go? No where to go, so we have limited the scope of things. Or ever went into his heart to his children we have the opportunity to open? You must book these. If the child will know what's going on with you there will open. The child does not suddenly bad habit, begins slowly and as evil begins his shift begins at home. The change should look closely. If you look closely at the changes that I believe absolutely in the beginning will save your children. Keep friends informed about her man and keep only limited progress around things. The depth of his life, his thinking, his logic, his views, his book, his friend, his mobile phone ... What's going on? Where the time is passing, will save your children. I think parents can do the job that no one else could. We have a few things over the centuries our ancestors have told major scholarly. And only if they are told the Statesman. We are called -Flame take 5 yearsTen Lun fillip DeiFlame take 5 yearsTen Lun fillip DeiIn the sixteen years SutFriends dei Srij GniIn the sixteen years SutFriends dei Srij GniMean to say that the child is 5 years old love and affection of parents to keep behavior, then at 10, have a son for him should be discipline, discipline must be requested and sometimes we saw Wise mother is angry, a day does not talk to the child. The child is too great a penalty. But then your mother to punish her child is sentenced. The mother says that I will speak today not just. You see a 10 year old child gets upset all day. He replaces your habit and 16. When done with her friend should be treated equally. The matter must be frank. These are our ancestors is told very well. I want it to be in our family life, how to use it.One thing I see vendors medicine. Sometimes with medication, as well as such things are often given until the doctor's Prescription go without such medicines. Cough syrup often becomes the beginning of the drugs used. Becomes addicted launched. There are many things I do not want to discuss it. But we also have to accept the discipline.These days a good education for the children of the village, leaving their state boarding Life for admission in a better place to live, Hostel live in. I have heard that he sometimes becomes the gateway of the evils. The theme of the educational institutions, society, security forces will have to keep all the great awareness. Whose responsibility will strive to fulfill his responsibility. He is in charge of the government, which will have to be government. And for this should be our endeavor.I also like to come to these letters are interesting, very painful and very inspiring letters are also letters. I do not mention all today, but by a Mr. Dutt, who were totally drunk. Went to jail, in prison were also binding on them. Then later in life has changed. Educated in jail and gradually changed his life. This is their story is very prevalent. Yervdha was in prison, so many stories that will be. Many people who have come out of it. We can come out and must come. Our efforts must be for him, in the same way. In the coming days I also urge Celebrities. Whether cine artists are joined by sports people, public life, people are connected. Cultural saint world, every place where people repeatedly on this subject also had opportunities, we must be aware. We should continue to offer the message. Of course it will benefit. I urge those who are active in social media that we together with the Drugs Free India hash-tag can run continuously Movement. Most children belong to this world of social media are involved. If we Drugs Free India hash-tag, it's a good atmosphere bypass a Lokshicsha we can stand.I want this thing Increase further. We all try to do something, who succeeded him, he may continue to Share. But I have to touch this topic so I said sadly suffering from distributing low. The country is suffering, that I am not preaching nor do I have the right to teach. I am just sharing my grief, the grief of the families who have either attended the hurt I want to be. Create an atmosphere of responsibility and I want to do. May be the subject may not-heresy. But will have to start from somewhere.I said that I want to share the happiness, too. Blind cricket team last week I got a chance to meet. World Cup win had come. But I saw their enthusiasm, their heyday saw looked confident, God has given the eyes, hands and feet have given everything but we do not have such passion, which I saw in those Blanid players. What was the heyday, it was the enthusiasm. That gave me the energy to meet him. Really enjoyed great things life offers.Last week, the news in the discussions.