Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Important Changes

Dear User,

From a very long time we were unable to update our app due to various policy restriction from Microsoft. To get things working we have made following changes to the app,

  • app name has been changed to "Mobile Phones from Nokia"
  • app icon has been customized.
  • Due to failed certification we have been migrated to "cellphone" app.
We have made a big change too. The current app "Mobile Phones from Nokia" has been made to give a tribute to legendary Nokia. Hence we will be providing only details of Nokia/Microsoft phones only.

We have created a new app cellphone". Cellphone has been designed to provide information of all the smartphones and various brands like
  • Nokia
  • Microsoft
  • Google
  • HTC
  • Huawei
  • Micromax
  • Sony and many more.

You can get the app from below,

We will provide our best service quality to the new app.

Hence we are requesting to use both the app as the way you like it previously.

Please allow us few days we are coming back with lots of information.

Thank You.

Gupta Information Systems.
